Nanna tibiella v fasciata

Nanna time has started and sweeping around grassy field edges last week I took a couple which key to N. tibiella. Ball's key says both tibiella and fasciata are common, but I only have a couple of records of tibiella against hundreds of fasciata. The female (first two pics) I am happy with, but the male (last three pics) has characters of both fasciata and tibiella. Based on the length of the cross-vein to postical vein ratio, it should be tibiella, but it has posterior ventrals on the front tibiae, which is supposed to be a character of fasciata. The 5th sternite feature maybe suggests tibiella. Is that fore tibia chaetotaxy feature correct?
Nanna tibiella female       Nanna tibiella female
Nanna tibiella male?       Nanna tibiella male?
Nanna tibiella male?
