The Camillidae

What do we know about this little known (or little written about) family.  I have some small - 2 to 3 mm - flies that congregate on the leaves of my pond plants.  They key out pretty unambiguously to key 93b in the Ball/Ismay keys.  They are slightly dark green shining, which made me guess they were Dolis; I then noted that Collyer & Hammond use the phrase 'allied to Drosophilidae.'  My photos may give an idea.  I'd be glad to have some guidance.

Collin in Ent Mon Mag 69, 1933, pp. 272 - 5 is, or was, the reference to turn to.  Does anyone have a copy available?   Thanks






... and I was just about to tell the world that I'd realised my error in determination - so thank you Tony for confirming it.  Under closer examination I had seen that the sc was much clearer than I'd thought, so I moved to couplet 94 which pointed me directly to the Ephydridae.  The habitat - my pond - said the same thing.  The eyes being slightly hairy and mouthparts less evident told me we were in Hydrellia country.  I now need  a key to the family to enable me to go further - can you point me to it?

One lives and learns.